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Born in: 1990
Country of origin: Canada
Occupation: Support Clerk for Government of Canada
Competition weight: 56.7 kg / 125 lbs
Off-season weight: 58.97 kg / 130 lbs
Height: 167.64 cm / 5’6”
– Tell the readers some brief details about you before we get started.
Although I have found a passion for fitness I have to say one thing I am truly blessed for is to live in a province where we have some of the best mountains and I can take advantage snowboarding in the winter, and gorgeous hot summers to hit the lake and go wake boarding. When I am not being active you can most likely find me at the mall getting some retail therapy in.
– How and when did you get started in health and fitness
I got into fitness about two years ago after moving in with my boyfriend and his roommate. We would all go to the gym together and because being gym advocates themselves they would push me into weighlifting. I was always hesitant to lift weights in the past because of the thought of getting “big and bulky” but the more knowledge I gained and results I saw I was instantly hooked.
– What mistakes you used to do when you began?
Breathing! I would always forget to breath on the my concentric and eccentric movements. Who would of thought knowing when to breath would have been important to weight training.
– What is your diet like?
I start my morning with a protein pancake, followed by four meals consisting lean protein (chicken or fish) a carb and vegetables. I round out the day with some scrambles egg whites before bed. Littered throughout the meals are my essential fats such as coconut oil, almonds, avocado or whatever else I want to spoil myself with.
– What is your typical workout routine?
Legs, butt, legs, butt and some more butt. I am really trying to focus on building my lower body while maintaining my upper. I will do heavy leg training three times a week and upper body circuit two to three times per week.
– Which are your top 3 exercises and why?
My favorite exercises are for sure going to be lower body because I always challenge my self to lift my heaviest weight on these exercises. 1.) Glute bridges because it really allows you to lift heavy and really target your bum. 2.) Single Leg Press on the assisted pull up machine. People may look at you funny when doing this exercise but it’s a great concentration exercise for your legs that I have a fun doing. 3.) Bulgarian Split Squats because there hard and can be a challenging exercise that you really feel in your hamstring and glutes.
– How do you keep motivated?
Seeing that I am potentially inspiring others makes it easy to push myself everyday. I also have a great support group in all my friends and family.
– What is your favourite body part?
My glutes because it’s the body part I’ve work so hard to improve.
– What is your favorite healthy meal?
Hands down has to be my protein pancake in the morning. I would eat them for every meal if my trainer would let me.
– What is your favorite cheat meal?
Just give me sugar or peanut butter and I am content no meal necessary.
– Do you do cardio? If so, what type of cardio?
Absolutely! I do cardio six days a week and always high intensity intervals on either the treadmill or the stairmaster.
– What supplements do you use?
Anything by EVOGEN. I hundred percent stand by the product it is far the best in the market. CellKem morning, noon and post workout. EVP and Glycoject for my pre-workout to really enhance my strength and pump.
– What is the best advice you have ever been given?
Don’t focus on what the scale says.
– Other hobbies a part from fitness?
Although I live in my gym clothes I am a total girly girl. I love to shop and pamper myself whenever possible. Getting together with the girls and family is what I look forward to aside from training. I love to travel and have done a fair amount of it mostly because I hail from one of the coldest place in Canada.
– Favorite fitness models, athletes or bodybuilders? Inspirations?
Amanda Latona, Dana Lynn Bailey.
– What are the most important tips you would give to our readers to achieve a Top Physique?
Consistency is key. Always be prepared with the right foods available. Always remember that everyone takes steps back but tomorrow is a new day, stay positive.
– Any quotes that describes your way of thinking?
“Success isn’t always about greatness. Its about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” Dwayne the “Rock” Johnson.
“Makes sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” Laird Hamilton